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8 subtle signs that could tell you that you’re not in good health

It is very important to pay attention to these signs and the possible changes that the body presents because, although they can be normal reactions of the organism, they can also be the initial manifestations of some diseases.

Sometimes when you are not in good health, the body sends subtle signals that are not always interpreted as they should. Although many do not indicate a serious problem, they are the initial manifestation of certain uncontrol’s that, in the long term, can reduce the quality of life.

Therefore, you must bear in mind that the signals of your body must be addressed as soon as possible, despite seeming common and unimportant. What are the most frequent? We will detail it below.

Subtle signs that may indicate health problems

One of the ways to avoid the evolution of diseases is to learn to recognize the signs of health that appear in the body in its initial stages. The sooner the alerts go off, the quicker your diagnosis and therefore your treatment.

1. Changes in urine

Urine can reveal important information about the functioning of vital organs in the body. Therefore, one of the health signs that you should not ignore are its changes in color, smell and appearance.

In a healthy person, the urine should be light yellow in color and with an odor that is not too strong. So, if it’s too light, your body is probably retaining fluids. Meanwhile, if it has a strong yellow color, with a strong consistency, the body may be dehydrated. If this becomes persistent, see your doctor.

2. Spots on the skin

Over time, the skin suffers the effects of UV rays from the sun and environmental pollution. This results in early wrinkles and various types of blemishes that are generally benign.

Those that are dark in color are related to hormonal changes and frequent sun exposure. For their part, those known as keratoses should be more careful, as they are caused by the negative effects of the sun and can be an early sign of melanoma, as detailed in a publication in Cancer

All changes in moles or irregular spots should be considered warning signs of health. Therefore, after detecting them, it is best to consult your doctor or dermatologist to determine if they are related to a care problem.

3. Changes in appetite

At first, changes in appetite may be normal and can be explained by changes in psychological functioning, social circumstances, use of certain medications, among others. However, many times they alert a disease.

Most worrisome is that this situation can lead to weight loss, nutritional deficiencies and other consequences that reduce the quality of life. Therefore, if the symptom persists, you should consult to determine its origin.

4. Unstable weight

One of the subtlest signs of health problems is having an unstable weight. When you start to lose kilos without much effort, that is, without having a healthy diet or habits that explain it, the ideal thing is to consult. The sudden weight loss may be related to various diseases.

5. Brittle hair

Brittle and lifeless hair is the result of a lack of care and nutrition. If the ends are split and your scalp is dry, you are probably overusing the heat.

On the other hand, when the damage is not solved despite using the appropriate treatments, it is advisable to consult a doctor, because it may be a nutritional deficiency or anemia.

Even, it may be related to alterations in thyroid hormones. Its excessive or insufficient levels affect the structure and function of the hair.

6. Pimples and acne

There are many factors that influence the appearance of pimples and acne pimples. Excess oil production and enlarged pores are the most common causes.

However, it is sometimes the sign of excess stress, hormonal imbalances, or the use of inappropriate chemicals. Consult the dermatologist if you notice that it does not improve with the days.

7. Yellow eyes

If the whites of your eyes start to look a little yellow, you may need to rest. However, if this is not the reason, you should immediately consult a specialist, as it may be one of the warning signs of Gilbert’s syndrome.

According to the Mayo Clinic, this disease is characterized by the accumulation of bilirubin in the blood, which causes jaundice. It is not considered a serious disorder, but it can cause complications such as increasing the side effects of certain medications. 

8. Facial redness

Facial redness is a condition known as rosacea, and it typically affects women. Constant exposure to the sun, stress and spicy foods cause the blood vessels to dilate and give way to this problem.

In minimal cases it compromises the eyes and is even mistaken for lupus. For a proper diagnosis consult a dermatologist.

Do you think you are not in good health?

If you have ignored the aforementioned symptoms for a long time, or you have other reasons to think that you are not in good health, consult your professional. An early diagnosis is key to preventing diseases from progressing or complicating. Keep that in mind!

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