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How do we know if we have intestinal parasites?

To know if we have intestinal parasites, we must pay attention to certain discomforts that we will comment on in greater detail below.

Intestinal parasite infection is, unfortunately, a health problem that affects many people, regardless of gender or age.

Its detection is not easy, since the symptoms it presents are not exclusive to this condition. Some of them may include tiredness; anxiety; digestive problems; headache or weight disorders.

It is important to know that, faced with a symptom of this type, it is best to go to the doctor. This will be in charge of giving us an adequate treatment, which we must follow in a responsible manner. But what exactly happens to us?

Intestinal parasites

Parasites are microorganisms that settle inside another organism and feed on it. They develop due to lack of hygiene (both personal and when handling food),  as well as the conditions of the place where they are consumed.

Intestinal parasites are generally protozoa (such as  giardia ) or worms (such as pinworms or tapeworms) that enter the body and use the intestine for shelter. Once inside, they  usually reproduce, giving rise to the aforementioned symptoms.

The problem appears when there is an imbalance that alters our levels of pH, enzymes or intestinal flora. This causes microorganisms to become pathogenic and aggressive, they can already cause all kinds of diseases. Depending on  our immune system, the infection could progress to cause serious complications.

Therefore, it is advisable to keep the body balanced through a good diet and good hygiene habits.

How can we know if we have parasites?

According to the Mayo Clinic, the most common symptoms are the following:

Although these symptoms can also be due to other reasons, if we suffer them often and for several days or weeks, it is recommended that we go to a specialist to examine us and give us a diagnosis and, if applicable, offer us the most appropriate treatment. suitable.

Parasitosis is very common in children and can usually be difficult to detect. Therefore, we must pay attention to whether they scratch the tip of the nose or the anal area, or if they are more nervous, without there being an apparent cause.

On the other hand, we must bear in mind that  if we have pets at home, we must deworm them every month, since with direct contact it is easy for the parasites that they often suffer from are transferred to us.

Food is essential

In addition to following the treatment prescribed by the doctor, to eliminate parasites we must try to eat a good diet. Otherwise, we could aggravate the situation.

It will be essential to outright eliminate:

In addition, we must reduce the consumption of refined carbohydrates (white rice, pasta, pastries, etc.). Of course, we should never take any type of food or make changes in the diet without medical consent.

The healthcare professional may include some foods in their recommendations such as:

In conclusion

The best prevention consists of taking care that the intestine works correctly, avoiding, above all, recurrent diarrhea or constipation. To do this, we will follow a good diet, rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, with proper hydration.

Keep in mind that intestinal parasites alter the intestinal flora and tend to proliferate when it is not balanced. Therefore, it is advisable to take preventive measures and take care of the body responsibly.

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