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How to identify if you have foot fungus

The problem with fungal infections is that they are usually recurrent, so we must take extreme hygiene and avoid excess humidity to prevent its reappearance.

The feet are an ideal target for the growth of fungi that cause skin infections, especially when they tend to remain in humid or contaminated environments.

This condition, which can become painful, is usually caused by neglect of this part of the body that, although it is so important, is often ignored in terms of health and aesthetic habits.

Their appearance and severity can vary in each person, since many suffer them sporadically, while others have to combat them repeatedly. Although they are not a serious health problem, difficulties in their treatment can warn of a weakening of the immune system.

In addition, in some cases, they cause inflammatory reactions in the skin that, later, cause cracking, burning and other annoying symptoms. For this reason, it is essential to know how to identify them in a timely manner and, of course, give them a treatment that helps to eradicate them.

What is foot fungus?

Foot fungi are infections that develop from the growth of microorganisms on the skin. These usually start between the toes and work up to the soles and nails. Its presence can cause alterations in the skin, and cause symptoms such as:

What are the types of foot fungus?

There are two types of fungal infections that affect the health of the feet.

Athlete’s foot or jock itch

This type of infection is perhaps the most common and, due to its easy spread, it can be difficult to treat when not caught early. Its main victims are athletes and athletes, since the heat of the footwear and sweating create an ideal environment for the growth of fungi.

However, anyone can develop them, especially if you do not take preventive measures to avoid their proliferation on your feet and shoes. These types of fungi can be identified if:


Ringworm, also known as onychomycosis, is another fungal infection that develops very easily. Although it can also affect the hands, it is more common on the feet due to exposure to footwear that retain heat and moisture.

They are usually as common as the previous ones, since fungi manage to attack more easily on their surface. It is important to pay attention if the nails:

How to combat foot fungus?

The treatment of foot fungus can vary depending on the severity with which it occurs. However, in general, it is advisable to go to a podiatrist and keep the skin dry and ventilated as much as possible. In addition to this (and provided that the specialist authorizes it), natural remedies can be used that, in addition to controlling the growth of fungi, soothe itching and irritation.

Apple vinegar

The apple vinegar is an acid product, to regulate the pH of the skin may decrease  the presence of certain types of fungi and infectious bacteria. Its regular use would eliminate dead cells and fight itching. If you decide to use it, confirm it first with your trusted podiatrist.

If you have their go-ahead, add it to warm water and soak your feet for 20 minutes.

Tea tree essential oil

Known for its antifungal and antibacterial action, tea tree essential oil could be  an effective ingredient against foot fungus. However, consult your podiatrist first, since its properties, despite being widely recognized, could cause an allergic reaction or irritation in the area.


The garlic contains sulfur compounds that provide antifungal and antibacterial properties. Remember that if you are going to use it, it must be endorsed by your podiatrist. 


Juice lemon fresh could be an effective alternative against fungal infections on the feet and nails. Its natural acids regulate the pH of the skin and alter the environment that microorganisms require to proliferate. Consult first with your podiatrist, yes, so that it does not interfere with your treatment. 

Do you have foot fungus? If you have just identified this infectiontry to treat it as soon as possible so that it does not cause complications. Use the remedies mentioned together with the treatment of your podiatrist and, additionally, clean your shoes and socks very well to prevent their reappearance.

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