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What does your skin say about your health?

The skin is the protective barrier that defends us from the outside world, it is also the largest organ in our body. Do you know what your skin says about your health?

Do you know what your skin says about your healthThe skin is our most important protective barrier, the one that defends us from the outside world. It is the largest organ in our body.

To repay so much protection, we must know how to take care of it and understand those signs that something may be wrong with us.

In addition, the diet plays an important role in skin disease, says an article.

Therefore, it is also important to take care of the diet to avoid the appearance of dermatitis, acne or hives. On the other hand, the appearance of these signs can determine that we are having disorders in our eating.

What would those  signs be? Keep reading the following article and you will find out what are the warning signs that your skin may be giving about your health.

Knowing what your skin says about your health.

Dry or pale skin.

The skin can show what happens to the health of our body. Dry, dull skin can be a sign of poor hydration or poor diet. If we do not consume enough water combined with essential nutrients through our diet, our skin will not be able to show itself in its best state. In addition to the lack of water, the skin may be indicating other disorders or health problems. Very pale skin could be indicating that you have anemia.

Also, a very dry skin, as long as it is not normal for you, could be indicating alterations in your thyroid, specifically hypothyroidism. If your skin, on the other hand, appears sweaty, it could be due to  hyperthyroidism.

Skin itch.

If you have generalized itching, this could be due to several causes. For example: kidney problems, liver failure, thyroid disorders, diabetes, etc.

This is if you have not used any cream or medication that causes the reaction. Also, food allergies may be itchy.

Flushed skin.

If your skin is flushed for no apparent reason, it could indicate Rosacea or LupusThe latter is characterized, among other things, by the reddening of the skin in the shape of butterfly wings.

Dark skin for no reason.

If your skin turns brown and is not exactly due to sun exposure, it could indicate excess iron, or be due to a disorder called Addison’s disease.

Bluish skin.

The bluish skin could indicate cyanosis. This is low oxygen in the blood. It could be due to problems with the lungs, heart, or lower limb circulation disorders (if you have blue toes).

Yellow skin.

Do you know what your skin says about your liver health? A yellowish color or tone to your skin could indicate liver problems, such  as hepatitis. 

Side effects that affect the skin.

As soon as your doctor has prescribed any medication, it is vitally important that you inform yourself about possible side effects. In most drugs they warn about possible effects.

These may or may not manifest themselves, as each organism is different and may also react differently to the same drug. Then, once you have made sure that the changes in your skin are not due to the side effects of any medication, a medical consultation is timely.

It is important that you go to a dermatologist first. He will know how to evaluate whether the treatment in question should be dermatological or whether it would be convenient to refer to another doctor. This will be in case the disorder did not originate in the skin.

Pay attention to your skin.

The information in this article is not intended to create fear or anything like that. Remember that no pathology occurs with a single symptom. Think calmly and analyze if the coloration or other changes in your skin may be due to some medication, or a minor situation.

If it has been suddenly, for no apparent reason and you also have other symptoms, it would be important that you go to a professional. An early diagnosis and treatment are always the best option.

Our skin says a lot, do not stop giving it the importance it deserves. And remember that the best way to pamper it is with a healthy diet and proper daily hydration. They will allow you to show off radiant skin. This without forgetting, of course, the use of creams that nourish and beautify it on the outside.

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