Rest between workouts is essential for the muscle to rebuild itself and achieve hypertrophy, as well as to avoid overexertion and possible injuries.

Muscle hypertrophy refers to the increase in muscle mass in specific areas of the body.

This is only achieved with a physical training plan based on a strict discipline, adequate nutrition and, believe it or not, rest periods where the body needs to recover and gain energy to continue training.

In this opportunity we introduce you to the concepts associated with hypertrophy so that you understand a little how it works and how your body is capable of developing it.

We will also provide you with some tips that will help you achieve greater muscle hypertrophy, for which we recommend following the hand of a specialist in the subject.

What is hypertrophy?

Hypertrophy occurs through some hormonal processes that the body is able to assimilate with the help of additional stimuli. These achieve the synthesis of the proteins that are present in the body (through supplements or balanced nutrition) in addition to the adequate physical stimulus.

Although these factors are important, it should be mentioned that obtaining greater hypertrophy works according to the type of training the body is subjected to, where strength plays a fundamental role.

  • Some specialists recommend that workouts with high strength routines be used. During these, large loads are responsible for breaking a greater number of fibers.

Thus, by synthesizing the proteins that regenerate these fibers, they then allow to obtain a greater muscle gain.

  • On the other hand, there are those who advise that the best is those varied routines in which repetitions with strength and increased speed are the fundamental key to achieving better results.

We really can’t be sure which of these are the most accurate. What is certain is that to achieve better performance in the short term, it is best to create a balance between the two.

The most appropriate thing is to include varied exercises with strength where it does not fall into monotony and the body can assimilate the changes little by little.

Tips to achieve greater hypertrophy.

1. Eliminate fat before starting to gain mass.

Before undergoing this type of training, you must be very aware of how your body currently looks and what aspects you should improve in terms of muscle gain.

To do this, first make sure you do not have a large amount of fat, since during this process you will also gain a little fat in certain areas where you want more hypertrophy, even when you maintain a balanced diet.

Remember that you must maintain a balance where the calories you consume are more than those you burn. However, it is not possible to achieve good muscle definition if you have too much fat that does not allow the gained muscle to appreciate.

2. Don’t stop training.

The training, as you may realize, is based factor in this process. Through this you will be able to tear the muscle fibers with the use of lifting weights according to your size and goal.

Later, your body will automatically try to rebuild them by getting stronger and bigger. Do not stop training hard and try to distribute the weight with compound exercises such as deadlifts, pull upssquats or bench strength.

These give you the advantage of being able to use much more force when using a single joint of the body and being able to exercise more muscles at the same time.

3. Decrease the cardio.

Unless you are in the first stage of this process, where you must first burn the fat in your body with the help of cardio exercises (since they are ideal complements to achieve this), forget about cardio.

Remember that in this case you need to conserve a good number of calories that you burn so that the muscle can be built. It is recommended that you do cardio for 5 to 10 minutes as a kind of warm-up for hard weight training.

4. Eat well and rest.

Another aspect that requires great care and control is food. You must include proteins:

  • White meats.
  • Beef.
  • Eggs.

Also, carbohydrates (not refined) and good fats such as avocado, coconut oil, olive oil and walnuts will be your best supplements in daily meals.

It will always depend on your type of texture and metabolism, for which you require a prior medical check-up with specialists.

A person who wants to increase muscle mass, in general, must consume 2000 to 2600 calories a day, which is equivalent to eating several times a day (we speak of 6 and even 8 times).

Don’t over-fatigue the muscle. Remember to let it rest so it can rebuild. It is advisable to rest the trained muscle for at least 72 hours  before resuming exercise in that area again.


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